Who are your circle of 5?

May 15, 2019

I'm sure you have heard the saying that you are the sum total of the five people you hang with.

We probably hear it, but unless we take the time to really think about it and exam what it means for our future, it more than likely goes out the other ear without much thought besides yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, right now, pull out a piece of paper and write down your top 5.  The five people you spend the most time with.  Family, friends, co-workers, mentors, coaches, etc.

Now take a look at that list and put a star next to all the people that are living a life that you want.  They have the health you want, the success, the finances, the relationships, the fun, that you want.  If most on the list have a star, you are in good company.  If the majority on your list are living a life you don't want, it may be time to rethink your list.  To be purposeful with who you spend time with because whether you realize it or not, they influence you.  That doesn't mean you cut them out of your life.  It means you carefully choose how much time you spend with them. 

Choose wisely because your future happiness and wellbeing depend on it.

I will continue the circle of five conversation this morning at 7:00 (pacific time) join me at @liverockfit  Bring your comments, questions.  See you soon!

Don't forget to STAY AMAZING!

Coach Pam

LIVE your best life

ROCK your passion

FIT with purpose and intention in all you do


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