Tired? Where do you find your energy? Coffee! Energy Drink!

Apr 30, 2019


A research study shows that up to 27% of worker go to their doctors with a complaint of fatigue. fatigue in the workplace

This study shows how fatigue can lead to accidents, non-completion of work and a general feeling of not being able to complete projects.  I believe most of us can concede that this also spills over into our personal life as well.  

When you get home from work, are you too tired to give your full attention to your spouse, partner, and/or kids?  What about lacking energy for the little projects you'd like to get done before you sit down to relax or go to bed?  You know, the ones that you say you'll do tomorrow or on the weekend that never get done.

When we are feeling fatigued and tired, we don't want to do anything, think about anything, except maybe sleep, or decide on anything.  Lack of sleep is not only a contributor to bad decisions, regretful choices, but obesity.  Many times when we are tired, we decide not to cook, so we pick up fast food, snack on things we wouldn't snack on if we were feeling rested and energized.  Then what happens when you snack on junk and eat fast food, combined with lack of sleep?  You fall asleep without much activity in your day.

Do you see how this can become a cycle that leads to weight gain?  No sleep.  No nutrition. No activity. All leads to No Vibrant Life!

How can you change this around easily?  Start small.  Can you find a way to increase your sleep time by 20 minutes?  Maybe go to bed 10 minutes earlier and get up 10 minutes later?  If this sounds like too much, start with 5 minutes and  5 minutes.  Whatever you CAN do.  Start small, but make it DOABLE for you.  Increase until you are at least getting 6 hours of sleep (less than 6 hours increases your chances of heart disease lack of sleep and heart disease) The recommended amount of sleep is 7-9 hours.

If you would like to learn about more topics on health, wellness, and energy.  Follow me at @liverockfit

Cheers to a restful, healthy, you!

Coach Pam

LIVE your best life

ROCK your passion

FIT with purpose and intention in all you do


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