May 09, 2019TIME
Whether you think you have a lot of time or a little, you are correct.
I have clients tell me all the time (pun intended HA!) that they do not have time to workout, prep meals, eat healthy, so on and so forth. Well, neither does anyone else that healthy and in great shape. Unless, that person is a professional fitness guru that gets paid to workout, that healthy, in shape, person got that way by fitting it in just like you could.
The difference is that working out, eating healthy, is IMPORTANT to the person that is getting it done and it is NOT IMPORTANT to you. Let that soak in.
Think back to a time when something was really important to you. Did you find a way to get it done? Maybe you had to come up with extra time in your day or extra cash. You found a way didn't you? You could do the same with this. When you make it important, a MUST do, you will find a way.
Join me this morning at Pamela Bradley's @liverockfit to dive deeper into this topic of time.
Until then, STAY AMAZING!
LIVE your best life
ROCK your passion
FIT with purpose and intention
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