The Skinny On Holiday Eating (Part 1)
Nov 15, 2018The feel of dread when the holiday invitations start coming. It makes your gut ache and your head spin with anxiety. The holiday lunches, dinners, happy hours, and parties can feel overwhelming when it comes to thinking about what will happen to your waistline and all the hard work you have been putting in to get the scale numbers to finally go down. You are faced with the balancing of being social with family and friends, enjoying the holidays, and maintaining some sort of dignity with your nutrition battle.
I get it, I've been there. In fact, I am there in the trenches not just during the holidays, but all through the year! There is always an invitation to some sort of eating or drinking event. There is a meeting where there are danishes. There is a training where they are serving lunch. A friend invites you to dinner. It really never stops. So how do we get a handle on it? Over the next few blog posts, I will share with you some tips that have helped me on my weight-loss journey. They have helped me take off 60 pounds and keep off most of that weight since 2012.
To make sure you don't miss any of the blogs, please give my LiveRockFit Facebook page a like. I will be sharing all the blogs there.
My first tip is to be well rested. It may sound simple, but it truly is magical. Quite simply, we make better choices when we are well rested. Think about the last time you had a depleted night of sleep. Maybe a night you tossed and turned all night or just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. You were probably a tad bit out of it. Not thinking clear, a little groggy, grumpy. You may have reached for some sugar, extra caffeine, something, anything, to help you make it through the day. Hopefully, you didn't need to make any big decisions that day because you may not have been in the right state of mind to make a good choice.
What is the right amount of sleep? The average adult should get between 7-9 hours of sleep. That's right! To keep your mind and body in optimal functioning state 7-9. I know that may be though during the busy holiday season. Do your best. A great starting point would be to aim for at least 6 hours. Then increase from there. Getting closer to that 7 hour make the better off you will be.
Give this a try and let me know how it goes. I look forward to hearing what you think.
Tomorrow, I will share tip number two...stay tuned!
Until next time, STAY AMAZING!!
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