What can set your week on fire?

clarity intention productivity Feb 23, 2020

What would be more important to you, showing up as the same old, same old you, or a new you that kicks your goals, tasks, and to-do's to the curb with ease?

If you said hell yeah to the later, I have a quick question for you.  If we met up 30 days from now, what would be the one thing that would have had to happen in your personal and in your professional life to make you jump up and down with joy?  Really think about this.  One thing in your personal life and one thing in your professional life.  If these things happened at the end of 30 days you would run up to me, give me a hug and dance a jig. 

Once you decide on these two things, write them down.  Now, what is the most important thing you could do today that would move you forward towards these goals?  Get really clear on these two things.  Now go do them!! Do not stop. Do not let up until these two things are completed!!  Then do a happy dance!!  

Next, before you go to bed, think of your next two moves for tomorrow.  Write them down.  Now you have your priorities for tomorrow. Your nonnegotiable priorities that will get done.  Do you see how this simple task can help you set your week, your month, your year on fire?

Repeat for each day this week.  Let me know how it works out. 

You can do this!  Two things. Two priorities that get done no matter what each day.



Coach Pam!

LIVE your best life. ROCK your passion. FIT with purpose and intention.

If you haven't already joined me at Pamela Bradley's  @liverockfit  please do.

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