Jul 04, 2019
Do you show up for you?
It's the end of the day, you are brushing your teeth before bed. Can you look in the mirror, stare yourself in the eyes and say today was a great day because you completed everything you told yourself you'd do today? You didn't give yourself any BS excuses, you did what you promised you'd do. When was the last time this happened?
Do you promise yourself each morning that today is the day you are going to eat healthy? You start out great, but the moment someone places that box of sweet, savory, donuts on the break table it's over.
You say your going to clean out the closet, yet it's been 6 months and you have only moved around a few boxes.
Have you ever wondered why it's so easy to keep your promises to your friends, but not to yourself? Is it because they are more important than you? Do you not matter?
Maybe, it's because you fear that you will look bad if you are not good on your word when you tell others you'd do something. Maybe, you fear you will be judged if you don't show up when you say you will.
The only thing that happens when you don't keep your promise to yourself is you feel like s**t. You get frustrated. And you ALWAYS state that tomorrow will BE different.
The truth is that you can't DO what you are NOT. Your identity predicts what you can and cannot do. Think about it, would a gym rat (a person who works out 5-6 days a week) not work out for a month? Only if he/she is injured or dead! Why? Because that is their identity. That's what they do is work the freak out!! The same way with a smoker. A smoker smokes. That is what they do. Their identity is that of a smoker! Does that make sense?
So, if you want to start being good on your word you need to start showing up as the person that has the identity of that person.
If you want to eat healthy, BE a healthy eater. Make it non-negotiable. Take on the characteristics of a healthy eater. What do they think? How do they shop? What would that person order at a restaurant? Would they take the donut on the break table? BE that person.
Friday morning at 6:50 I will be taking a deeper dive into the topic of self integrity. Join me live or catch the replay here: Pamela Bradley's @liverockfit
Until then don't forget to LIVE.ROCK.FIT. This is your life...own it!
LIVE your best life
ROCK your passion
FIT with purpose and intention
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