Let's Talk Turkey

Nov 23, 2016

It's that time of year when many of us are gathering around the dining room table eating turkey, sitting on the couch watching football eating  turkey, or nibbling on some turkey as we head out to shop. Turkey, turkey, turkey, it is the main attraction.

Before we go comatose from our Thanksgiving spread, let's break down the protein, fat, and calories of our dinner table star.

Calories based on a 4 oz. serving.

4 ozs. is about the size of a deck of cards.

White meat with skin, 185 calories, 1.4g saturated fat, 33g protein 

White meat no skin, 158 calories, .4g saturated fat, 34g protein 

Dark meat with skin, 206 calories, 2.4g saturated fat, 33g protein 

Dark meat  no skin, 183 calories, 1.6g saturated fat,  33g protein 

Wing with skin, 256 calories, 4g saturated fat, 32g protein

To give you an idea, to burn off 185 calories you would need to walk for approximately 40 minutes.

I hope this serves a guide to your turkey consumption. 

As for me, I am looking forward to this Thanksgiving.  It has been a few years since I have had family close enough to cook a turkey and enjoy the day.  I am thankful for all this year has brought my way.  I have met many wonderful people this year.  I have been blessed with many opportunities to learn, grow, and be my best.  I look forward to leveling all this up even higher in the next year.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Be grateful for all you have and all you have accomplished.

Don't forget to LIVE your best life, ROCK your passion, and FIT intentionally in all you do. 



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