Is life passing you by?

intentional productive purposeful May 02, 2019

Have you ever had the feeling that life is passing you by?

The days, the weeks, the months of the year are ticking away and you have that sinking feeling of not accomplishing ANYTHING!! 

Boy, oh boy, this is something I have felt recently.  I am a journaler.  That means that each morning I right down the day and the date at the top of my journal.  There are some mornings I think, damn another day, another week, another freakin month has gone by and I haven't accomplished the things I had planned.  I am not where I wanted to be at this time.  Can you relate?  It's a little depressing, right?  I genuinely feel that I am wasting my life away. Just watching the clock tick, tick, tick.

What I have started doing that seems to bring my monkey brain back into focusing on my priorities, is to right down my top three "MUST DO" items for the day. These are three things that will help move me forward. They are also items that at the end of the day if I accomplished nothing else but these three things, I could say to myself, this was a good day. I feel accomplished.  I feel that I am moving forward.

I find that when I write the three items down, I have a reminder throughout the day that these things are my focus and my most important to do items.  It also feels really good checking them off.

If you need something to keep you focused and on track give this a try and let me know how it works for you.

Stay tuned for more productivity hacks by following me on my LiveRockFit page here @liverockfit

Until tomorrow, don't forget to LIVE your best life, ROCK your passion, and LIVE purposefully and intentionally,

Coach Pam


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