Friday Feelings
May 03, 2019IT'S FRIYAY!!
Do you feel different on Fridays?
If you feel more carefree, fun, and happy on Fridays, have you ever wondered why?
I know your answer. It's because I am ready for the weekend, duh.
But have you ever wondered why you don't feel this carefree, fun, and happiness on Tuesday? Wednesday? Everyday?
You can choose to feel carefree, fun, and happy at anytime. It is your choice. Think about it. Has there been a time you have been grumpy on a Friday? Maybe someone gave you some last minute work to do and you had to work late. Has there been a time you have been super happy on a Monday? You found out you received a raise or got a promotion? You choose to be happy or grumpy. It comes from the inside out, not the outside in.
So be happy on Friday! But don't forget to BE HAPPY on ALL the other days too. BRING THE FUN EVERYDAY!!
Have a great weekend!
Coach Pam
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ROCK your passion
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