Fleeting Thoughts
May 17, 2019Like a stream, your thoughts are flowing.
Research shows that we have 50,000 - 60,000 thoughts a day. Most of those thoughts are the same thoughts from the day before, and the day before that. Those same thoughts flow in and go out of our minds like a creek.
You have a craving for that cookie on the break table or you sit down to work and all of a sudden you are distracted by the thought that you need to text your bff, these thoughts are fleeting. You can control these thoughts.
How, you say?
Change your focus. Flip the switch.
You can not do what you are not thinking about. What? Try it. Try doing something you are not thinking about. Try standing up without thinking about standing up. Ha!
As soon as you change your focus, that thought is gone. So when you are giving up sugar and a cookie pops in your mind, think about something else. Flip the switch. State to your mind, I am not having that cookie right now. Right now I choose to read this book, or have this glass of water, or paint.
Give it a try.
Let me know how it goes.
What for my Facebook live on this topic this morning at Pamela Bradley's @liverockfit
Coach Pam
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