Feel like you never get ahead?
May 07, 2019Oh man, I felt the same way. I would end my day saying to myself, "I did not accomplish ANYTHING I intended to accomplish today. What is wrong with me? I must not be cut out to be successful." Ouch.
I can tell you one thing that made a big difference for me. That is MIF!! What the what you say. What the hell is MIF?
MIF = Most Important First
Writing down what the most important thing for me to accomplish each day while putting it front and center, via sticky note, was a game changer.
I now write out my 3 MUST DO's each morning in my journal and transfer them to a sticky note until I can scratch them all off.
Before you can do this, you need to get really clear on what you want and why it is important to you. The reason this step is necessary is it will allow you to recognize what steps you must take to obtain your outcome. Knowing the steps will give you your daily actions. Bam!
I would suggest starting with ONE most important action. Once you make knocking out one MIF action a habit then increase it to two and then three.
Before you know it you will be a MIF machine.
How will it feel to see yourself actually moving towards your goals? Accomplished? Amazing? Satisfied?
What is it that you want to accomplish in the next 30 days?
What is one action step you can take today that will get you closer to accomplishing that?
Do that one thing ASAP. You've got this!!
Cheers to a Live Rock Fit day!!
LIVE your best life
ROCK your passion
FIT intentionally and with purpose in all you do
Follow me at Pamela Bradley's @liverockfit
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