Do you know what you eat?
May 28, 2019Recently, I was working with one of my 1:1 clients. I asked him what he ate that day. I stated, "let's start with stepping out of bed until now." I asked for everything he ate and drank. Followed by how much of XYZ did you have? I was surprised, and I think he was surprised, when he had to really stop and think about everything he ate and drank. The next aha was that he realized he was eating unconsciously.
At first, I thought he wasn't eating enough.
He gave me a quick rundown of each meal. It wasn't very much. I asked, "that's it?" I don't think you are eating enough. Let's go back through this again. "What did you eat after you did X? Oh, do you see, that was another little meal there?" By the time we finish, he realized that he wasn't eating enough protein, veggies, and he was eating too many carbs and sweets. BIG REALIZATION when you are working on weight loss, right?
So, my question for you is, what did you eat and drink yesterday? Write it down. Everything. Does it give a glimpse into why you are losing weight or not?
If weight loss is your jam right now, be mindful of what you are or are not putting into your body.
For a deeper dive into this topic, join me this morning at 7:00 (pacific) here: Pamela Bradley's Facebook Page @liverockfit
Until then, stay AMAZING!
Coach Pam
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