Do you have the midafternoon HANGRIES?!?
Jun 17, 2019
Oh, the 2:00-3:00 o'clock what to eat blues. Or maybe it's, what can I snack on while I prepare dinner munchies. Whichever it is, you are not alone.
I hear this all the time from my weight loss clients, I do great until the afternoon or after dinner. I am good all day, but when I get home, look out pantry here I come!
What can you do to help you succeed?
Check in with yourself to see why you are doing this habit in the first place.
Are you bored?
If so, try being social. When you would normally go grab a snack from the breakroom, go to a coworker's office for a quick chat instead. Go walk the hallway to the bathroom or grab a big glass of water and chug it.
Are you thirsty?
Sometimes when we think we are hungry, we are really thirsty. Try getting up and drinking a glass or two of water. This should fill you up and satisfy you for a little bit. At least long enough to check in with yourself to see if you are really hungry.
What you want to do is to replace the reward/habit with something else rewarding. After you check in with why you may be automatically grabbing the chips, donuts, or nuts, replace that activity with another one.
For a deeper dive on this topic join me this morning here. Pamela Bradley's liverockfit
If you would like information regarding working with me either please message me. I would love to help you establish habits that will get you to your goals.
Until then, stay AMAZED and AMAZING!!
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