
May 31, 2019

I am in Kansas visiting my son and grandson.  We were on my way to dropping my son off at work and had a discussion regarding people texting and driving, having social media as their only connection to others, etc.  We could have a two day discussion on these topics alone.

The bottom line is we allow ourselves to be distracted by so many things.  Many times we do this in the name of connection or being able to save and have memories.

Sometimes we forget that the best connections and memories are made and deepened when we turn everything off and just BE.

Carson and I were heading back home from dropping his dad off at work when we saw the most amazing sunrise.  Both of us stated that we had never seen such a beautiful sunrise. At about the same time we saw a family of ducks in a large pool of water that had recently appeared from all the heavy rains over the last few weeks. To our surprise, a duck took off and flew right in front of us.  What an amazing sight to see.  We named him "Lucky Duck."  Stating today is our lucky day.

A unforgettable morning connection with my grandson with a memory that will last a lifetime.  No selfie, no photo, no filter needed.  

Join us on our Facebook live Friday morning here: @liverockfit 7:15 (pacific)

Until next time, STAY AMAZING!

LIVE your best life

ROCK your passion

FIT with purpose and intention in all you do

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