Create A Path Of Action
Jun 06, 2019
This week we are focused on clarity and implementation of habit creation.
If you missed the previous blogs and FB Lives regarding the first 2 steps, you can see them here @liverockfit
By now, you have a clear picture of the outcome you want in the next 60 days, and you have chosen the ONE baby step habit that would get you closer to that outcome/goal.
Today, you will write down your plan of action. Create the easiest path that will get you to your outcome. When, where, how, will you do your one thing? You need to have a nonnegotiable plan of action.
The example I gave for a 10 pound weight loss outcome, was drinking 1/2 your body weight in water each day for the next 60 days. Staying with this example today's action would be to decide exactly how you will do that. Create the easiest, no brainer, plan of action you can.
Example: I will chug down 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning. I will drink 1 glass of water before every snack and meal. Before any food touches my lips, I will drink a glass of water first.
See how easy that would be to implement. It wouldn't take much thinking to create that habit.
Now, it's your turn.
For a deeper dive into this topic, join me this morning at 7:00 (pacific) here Pamela Bradley's liverockfit
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