Consistency is KEY to your SUCCESS!!

May 13, 2019

Here I am in all my glory!  HA!

For the last 7 weeks I have been showing up at the gym consistently.  Not always completing my full workouts as planned, but showing up, doing what I can and letting go of being perfect with my workout and cardio.  It's not about perfection, it's about progression and consistency.  Consistently showing up, consistently pushing yourself to be a little better and NEVER EVER GIVING UP even on the ugliest of days. 

I also started doing Keto.  For those that don't know what Keto is, it is a moderate protein, high fat (healthy fats), low carbohydrate meal plan.  I did really well for the first 4 weeks, then I had a few missteps in weeks 5 and 7.  However, overall felt great, energized and pretty proud of myself.

Here are my results: I lost 5.5 lbs.  I lost 3 1/2 inches off my waist!! I lost 1 inch off my hips, and 1 inch off my thighs.  

These were not the results that I wanted when I first started out, but you know what?  I will take them and be proud of them.  Especially, the 3 1/2 inches off the waist!! Yippee!

I will be continuing my journey with an even more focused 40 day challenge starting next week.  I will share my journey as I dive deeper into the benefits of Keto on health and sharing how I'm feeling and what I'm eating to prepare for even better health and the 50k I'm running at the end of June.

Follow me here: Pamela Bradley's @liverockfit  

I go live every Monday-Friday morning around 7:00-7:15 (pacific time) 


LIVE your best life

ROCK your passion

FIT with purpose and intention in all you do

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