Jun 14, 2019
Last night the Toronto Raptors won the NBA Basketball Championship. Congratulations to both teams for a spectacular year and a spectacular game.
Players on both teams scored some amazing shots. Do you think they believed they could make those shots when they released the ball? If you watched the game, did you watch their faces, their body language, when they took what many would believe to be almost impossible shots?
There was not a stitch of self-doubt on their faces or in their body. Upon release of the ball, it was if they willed that ball into the basket. Did they?
I am currently reading the book, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," by Dr. Joseph Murphy. He states in the book, " is not the thing believed in, but the belief in your own mind, which brings about the result." It is the same that is stated in the bible, "ask and you shall receive."
Why then, doesn't all we ask for come to us? For one, the moment that we don't BELIEVE that it will, when we lose faith in our ability to make it happen, we stop it from happening. Self doubt comes into play and we sabotage ourselves. However, when we will something to happen for ourselves and the good of all, when we release that intention with full faith and belief that it will happen, it will happen.
Just BELIEVE and it will BE.
For a deeper conversation on this topic, join me this morning at 7:00 here. Pamela Bradley's liverockfit
Until then, stay AMAZED and AMAZING!
LIVE your best life
ROCK your passion
FIT with purpose and intention in all you do
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