Are you settling?

May 14, 2019

Are you living your purpose?  Do you focus on what matters to you most each day?

I used to be a person that reacted to life, insead of living life.  I would get up, go to work, take care of the family, house, and anything else that needed taking care of that day.  My life revolved around reacting to what needed to get done.  I didn't plan a lot or think about what I wanted my life to look like or where I was headed in the next year or decade.  The next thing that happens is five, ten, fifteen years have gone by and I was basically the same person going through the same daily motions.

Many of my clients are that same way when we first start working together.  They react to what other people want or events instead of designing their life.  I call it living by default instead of design.

Join me on my Facebook live this morning to find out how you can switch from a default life to a life of design.  I will be live at 7:00 (pacific time) here at this link. @liverockfit

See you there,

Coach Pam


LIVE your best life

ROCK your passion

FIT with purpose and intention in all you do

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