Are you good enough?

May 10, 2019

Good Enough

This is a touchy topic, right?

Am I good enough to build a business?  Am I good enough to join the gym and lose weight?  Am I good enough to succeed at being a parent?  We are constantly doubting our abilities.  When did this start happening?

I believe it starts to happen when we feel that people are going to judge us.  We think that if we try something and fail those close to us will say, I knew she couldn't do it. What was she thinking.  Am I right?  This puts a little fear in us.  And when the fear and self-doubt set in we become paralyzed and stop.

So what do we do?  

I want you to think back to when you started walking, started swimming lessons, started driving.  Did you know what you were doing? Did you give a damn about what other people thought?  Hell NO!!  You were excited to be doing what you were doing!  You knew it was going to be ugly and you didn't care.  Look at you now, you don't even think about walking or driving, you just do it.

It's time to let go of your fear, your doubt, and your self judging.  You are a cosmic being that has been placed on this earth to learn, to grow, and to be AMAZING, not just so-so.  So be that kid again that's learning how to walk.  Take a step, wobble, fall, get back up, try again, maybe grab someone's hand that can help hold you steady, go a little further, fall again, get back up and run!!

Join me this morning at Pamela Bradley's @liverockfit for a deeper discussion on getting rid of self doubt and the feeling of not being good enough.


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