3 things that may help you find your path

May 16, 2019

Yesterday I stated that your circle of 5 will predict your future. Circle of 5

Today, I am going to share three things that have helped me grow personally, build my business, stay fit and healthy, and show up as the person I need and want to be each day.

(1) Personal Development - This can be made a part of your life in a way that works for you.  This could be reading 5 minutes of a book, blog, article that helps expand your knowledge or insights on a topic that excites you.  I personally love learning about the brain, dreams, sleep, fitness, nutrition, business, all areas of personal development, self improvement and the law of attraction.  You just need to find what excites you and start reading, listening to podcasts, audio books, or maybe even attending events.

(2) Journaling - Journaling allows time for dreaming, self-reflection, and action planning.  Again, if you feel that you are short on time, start with 5 minutes in the morning or evening.  You will be amazing at how addicting it becomes.  If you are stuck on a topic to start with, start by listing 3 things you are grateful for and why.

(3) Meditation or quiet mind time -  This is a great destressor and a wonderful mechanism to allow creativity into your life.  You will also see how much monkey mind chatter goes on in your brain all through the day.  Again, start with just a couple of minutes each day.

If you incorporate each of these things into your life starting with mere minutes a days you will not be adding anything burdensome into your day.  In fact, I believe if you give these a try, you will see how beneficial they are to you.

We will discuss this on a deeper level this morning at 7:00 pacific time at Pamela Bradley's @liverockfit


Coach Pam

LIVE your best life

ROCK your passion

FIT with purpose and intention in all you do

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